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When you work with ZS-IC, you automatically get access to our global network of suppliers. We have direct and solid relationships with many manufacturers worldwide. A strong relationship with leading component manufacturers, authorized distributors, OEMs as well as open market distributors, allows us to serve you in the most professional way.

When you take advantage of our procurement and purchasing services, you are choosing a professional approach to what you buy and how you buy it. Ultimately, this will allow you to reduce costs and free up liquidity and resources.

At ZS-IC, we use our global supplier network, which have all been vetted and approved to meet the highest quality standards.

Shortages Supply
Whether your need is due to fluctuation in lead-time or demand, at ZS-IC we will conduct a global search and hand pick the best solution to meet your needs.
When you buy obsolete goods it is extremely important to be highly selective with whom you buy from. At ZS-IC you are guaranteed to receive the best quality, outstanding service and a competitive solution.
End of life and last time buy
Manufacturers of components frequently end the production of your components. At ZS-IC we have the solutions in place to find, fund and properly store your key components long term. Saving you both time, money, and avoiding production problems.
Cost Reductions
You will most likely have a component budget and increased pressure to reduce cost. At ZS-IC we can easily assist you with your analysis and the subsequent purchases saving you time and money.
Other solutions
A Bill of Material will have many positions where you are stuck with only one option. At ZS-IC we can assist you with sourcing alternatives, which can save you from production stop.